123 Change Avenue, Inclusionville, CA 98765, USA
Office Hour : 08:00am - 6:00pm

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Transform Your Workplace

Unleash your talent fully, freely, and fairly.

You want a workplace that inspires more creativity, collaboration, and contribution.


But are your leaders open to change?

Who We've Served

About Us

The Waymakers Change Group

TheWaymakersChange Groupis a human-centered management consulting firm that supports mid-sized and large companies who seek to transform their employee experience andbuild capacity to leadallpeoplewell. Our proprietary approachgrounded in behavioral research and decades of inclusive leadership expertisechallenges and equips leaders to unleash the potential oftheir teams, therebypromoting healthy workplace cultures and fueling sustainable businesses.  

We Are in the Numbers

How We Influence

Books sold
Leaders equipped
Champions inspired
Global reach (Countries)
What We Do


Inform, engage, or align your executive team.
Get started or reset.
Build inclusion competence and confidence in your people leaders at scale.
Curate and leverage cross-boundary connections to enable equitable outcomes.
Insights and Tools


Understand and appreciate how your employees experience your company today and identify your greatest risks and opportunities.
Own your outcomes and lead competently and confidently.
Connect and collaborate to open doors to opportunity for all people.
Lorem Ipsum


TWCHG Newsletter: Vol. II, Issue. 16: TWCHG helped a global client enhance leadership and team success by improving their development program with a focus on inclusivity and business acumen.
TWCHG Newsletter: Vol. II, Issue. 16: TWCHG helped a global client enhance leadership and team success by improving their development program with a focus on inclusivity and business acumen.
TWCHG Newsletter Vol. II, Issue 14: A health system improved Black patient outcomes by addressing proximity bias, promoting Black women, and training leaders to open doors for diverse talent, boosting workplace wellness.

What They Say About Us