123 Change Avenue, Inclusionville, CA 98765, USA
Office Hour : 08:00am - 6:00pm

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Download the Waymakers Discussion Guide

The Way to a Healthier Organization (for ALL People) Starts Here

Created for individual and group use, the purpose of this discussion guide is two-fold:

  1. To facilitate meaningful conversations about the key themes and insights presented in The Waymakers book, and
  2. To spur and guide the personal and professional evolution needed for leading all people well.

The discussion guide helps you explore:

  • How to apply The Waymakers principles consistently and effectively
  • Building systems of accountability in your organization—at all levels
  • When and how Waymaking matters most at your organization
  • Leveraging your data to inform your journey, and quantify the internal and marketplace outcomes of Waymaking

The Waymakers Clearing the Path to Workplace Equity with Competence and Confidence: A Discussion Guide
