TWCHG Newsletter: Vol. III, Issue. I
So much is changing so quickly. Too many people talking, not enough listening. Even fewer doing what is helpful. No matter what “side” you’re on, many of us feel we’re losing—losing ground, losing stability, losing safety, losing connection. At times, even losing our cool. For some, it’s hard to focus at home, at the grocery store, at our places of worship. It’s even harder to focus at work. To borrow an Oscar-winning movie title, it feels like “Everything Everywhere All At Once.”
But whether from home or at the office, most of us must “go to work” to make a living. In times like this, when policies, behaviors, and norms are being undone, redone, or nullified, and when the winds of change swirl such that we can’t see up from down, you can create an oasis. You can ensure everyone in your care is seen, respected, valued, and protected at work. You can lead in ways that help all people not only survive this turbulent environment, but thrive.
Workplaces are rarely viewed as places of refuge during times of struggle, but uncertain times call for greater intentionality. Making sure people feel seen is fundamental to establishing connection—something we desperately need to cultivate now. Seeing people at work goes far beyond saying hello; it means getting to know people and meeting them where they are. This environment is hard on all of us, and you can help make work more manageable by acknowledging challenges, being open to varied perspectives and approaches, and inviting people to contribute in meaningful ways.
People also feel seen when we notice the things that matter and extend ourselves to offer support. Do people need time off for mental wellness? Do they need more flexible hours on certain days to take their dad to cancer treatments? Were they able to find secure housing after the fire? Not sure what else your employees are managing during these more than difficult times? Ask. They will appreciate your empathy. And the organization will benefit from increased loyalty.
As we’ve said before here at The Waymakers Change Group, respect at work is not about being nice. People want to be respected for who they are, what they know, and what they can do. This means ensuring they feel you trust them. It means leveraging their talents and using your voice or your influence to amplify their impact. It means genuinely considering their ideas and perspectives. Respect sounds like, “I trust you and your insights. Would love for you to work on a special project with me.” It also sounds like, “I told my manager about the great work you’ve been doing on…. Don’t be surprised if she gives you a call to discuss.”
When employees feel respected—for who they are as people and for their ideas, contributions, and experiences—they feel integral to the organization. They feel included, and inclusion creates belonging.
It’s hard out here. It’s even harder as we draw more lines around our differences. To ensure your employees feel valued, recognize and reward their efforts. Invest in them. And be intentional about positioning them for success.
There are countless ways to help employees feel valued. While simply showing appreciation goes a long way, valuing people can also sound like, “Hey, got some time this afternoon? I want to share some pointers that will help your next engagement go more smoothly.”
Ensuring equal pay for equal work, saying thanks for a job well done, creating opportunities for growth, and providing specific and timely feedback are actions that help all people feel you and the organization value and appreciate them. That feeling of value and appreciation is directly correlated to talent retention.
With so many seismic shifts happening at once, it’s easy for us to feel unsteady, unsure, uncomfortable. As a leader, it is your job to ensure all people on your team—regardless of what they look like, how they learn, what languages they speak, what religion they practice, who they love, what their politics are, etc.—feel safe to contribute, safe to speak up and speak out, and safe to respectfully challenge and push for innovation. Safe to BE.
Helping all people feel safe at work means supporting them, being a buffer if needed, and guiding them toward greater contribution. It also means intervening on behalf of others. Helping employees feel protected calls on you to know and consistently live your values—out front and out loud. That is the call you accepted as a leader.
Protecting all people means everyone is free to try and fail and challenge assumptions without fear of reprisal. Protection unlocks creativity and fuels innovation—even and especially in times of uncertainty.
Is it hard to focus when laws that govern your resources and perhaps how you move in the world are being rewritten? Yes. Is it harder to get things done when you’d rather tap out and enjoy the quiet of an empty room? Indeed. But tapping out is not an option.
As a Waymaker, you have the power to create an oasis for your employees in what they may feel is a desert of disruption. Being consistently seen, respected, valued, and protected in everything, everywhere, and all at once in the workplace encourages employees to contribute at a higher level than they thought possible—even in unpredictable times. And unleashing all talent to achieve your company’s mission—especially during times of instability—is what every leader signed up for.