Our C-Suite experiences help executive leadership teams better understand and align on what it will take to achieve a more equitable and inclusive workplace.
- In FOUNDATION FOR CHANGE, leaders learn and explore, through interactive discussion, the fundamental requirements of a more inclusive workplace. (75-minute session)
- In ASPIRING FOR CHANGE, leaders clarify their workplace culture aspiration, explore current barriers to progress, identify success factors, and commit to next steps. (75-minute session).
- In BELIEVING FOR CHANGE, leaders learn about the beliefs that keep them stuck on inclusion efforts, engage in group discussion on the factors most significantly impacting progress, and explore opportunities to reframe. (120-minute session)
With our Primer Suite, you’ll find answers to questions such as:
- What are inclusive leadership table stakes for our company?
- How can we be authentically inclusive as a leadership team?
- What does success look like for us?
- What do we need to overcome to ensure collective progress?